“With Tagmarshal, we know what is happening on the course and can get ahead of any issues with anticipatory service. It’s been really great having these tools.”
“Tagmarshal is a management tool to help us provide an exceptional experience. It’s a lot more powerful than a tool simply for golfers to get themselves around the course.”
“I can emphatically state that Tagmarshal helps us generate more revenue. It’s truly been a game changer for us.”
“Using Tagmarshal’s data, we can refine our processes and those small, incremental changes create large impacts.”
“From the data, we know who our slower and quicker members are and we set the tee sheet up accordingly, which helps us a lot with course flow.”
“Tagmarshal has definitely made it easier to see the entire golf course with one quick glance which is very helpful.”
“Without the system, we are flying blind and relying purely on rangers patrolling the field. Now the pro shop can monitor everything and complaints are way down.”
“Before, we put up ropes which is an extensive effort. Now all we do is click a button and it keeps carts on the path.”
“The advertising has worked great with us. We promote local businesses and bring in extra revenue, and on the remaining holes we promote our own specials.”
“We have continued to get faster year after year using Tagmashal, and can pinpoint exact days and times of the day when the course plays quickest.”
“I remember when we used to send staff out and tell them to figure out what’s happening. With Tagmarshal, we already know.”
“One of our goals is to manage our on-course staff, and Tagmarshal has equipped our staff to proactively manage the field, freeing up their time to spend on player satisfaction and service.”
“We want our rangers to be educators and Tagmarshal’s data allows that. The facts are right there on the screen.”
“We are using the data to formulate pace of play policies, but none of these conversations would take place if we didn’t have so much vital data. It’s absolutely crucial in that regard.
“Tagmarshal makes people’s jobs more effective and more enjoyable and it’s definitely saving us money, which makes managers happy and owners happy.”
“I consider Tagmarshal a revolution in golf management. For the first time, we are 100% in control of what is happening on the course. On top of optimizing our course flow, we can empower our staff and have objective data to manage and continuously improve our operation.”
“Don’t be scared of technology, don’t be scared of data, you have to have it. We’ve taken a stagnant operation, filled the tee sheet and now we’re actually forced to turn golfers away daily.”
“Tagmarshal allows us to see the pace trends before they balloon out of control, identifying groups that are losing speed so our team can be in the right place to communicate.”
“Before Tagmarshal, we were making educated guesses and now we have the data to back up and help with better decision-making.”
“Everybody on the team uses the system and they absolutely love it. We made a big effort to hit the ground running and member feedback has been excellent from the start.”
“Being able to see the entire golf course and problem groups has allowed us to use our on-course staff a lot more efficiently.”
“The ability to advertise has been a win-win, getting creative on how we use it as another way to get revenue back into the resort.”
“Our F&B menu pops up on the 2Way screens on our 8th hole and it speeds up the turn time, preventing any backup. This improves course flow and boosts our revenue.”
“Having Tagmarshal help us with our pace program and enhancing the experience for all of our members has been a key part of our success. We’re always aware of what’s going on entirely, with a great macro view of the course.”
“Our partnership with Tagmarshal has been integral to our player experience and service strategy, by providing us with the data-driven management we need to optimize player experiences, helping us to deliver consistent excellence that keeps our players coming back again and again.”
“Based on what we have seen so far in our first year, we are expecting to make at least 10 times what we paid for the system.”
Bordered by beautiful native Florida wetlands and marshlands, Serenoa is unlike your typical Sarasota course.
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