
5 key benefits Golf Cart GPS can offer

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5 Key Benefits Golf Cart GPS can Offer – by Tagmarshal

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Many course operators have golf cart GPS tracking on their wishlist. We have compiled 5 key benefits of how golf cart GPS tracking and a suitable backend software can help you manage your golf course more efficiently.

Tagmarshal’s proven, industry-leading optimization backend is the perfect companion to its 2Way Golf Cart GPS screens. The solution comes in our 8-inch, ultra high-res screens with exceptional brightness and durability, as they are water and dust resistant.

  • Great golfer value and easy to use for players
  • Works with virtually any cart type (battery or gas)
  • Can be moved from cart to cart when a fleet gets upgraded – even from one brand to another
  • Best of all it is affordable with tiered software features you can select from

1. Operational oversight and pace of play management

  • Full line of sight of all carts in your fleet.
  • Easy to use backend, accessible on PC, tablet or smartphone
  • The Tagmarshals system extends the Golf Cart GPS line of sight to walkers or maintenance vehicles

Tagmarshal is the ‘Pace of Play Intelligence software leader’ (Forbes) so expect best in class

Even the most efficient and well-trained on-course staff can’t keep track of the activity of each cart on the course, and how their movements are affecting the day’s pace and on-course field flow.

Furthermore, golfers who use carts will often expect quicker rounds and any slow play, or perceived slow play, runs a greater risk of dissatisfaction among golfers in the field of play. This is especially true when clubs are looking to attract new, younger players.

When staff members are not aware of where the carts are situated on the course, the task of dealing with hold-ups, and the resultant frustration, becomes increasingly challenging. Tagmarshal’s golf course management technology, and the golf cart GPS tracking system, empower staff to deal with real-time problems before they create the dreaded bottlenecks.

Rather than being reactionary, the club management software will send out smart, pre-emptive alerts, resulting in immediate staff responses that prevent on-course issues from worsening.

Staff receives real-time notifications, assigned to a specific staff member, giving management some level of staff performance tracking that many clubs currently lack.

The marshals, who are tasked with improving starter accuracy and maximizing course effectiveness, also receive notifications and alerts. This means that they have real-time information necessary to speed up play and communicate effectively with members.

PGA Head Professional at Whistling Straits, Mike O’Reilly, has seen the benefit of using golf course management software first-hand:

“We have reduced our labor expense on the golf course, increased our round capacity, and realized many operational efficiencies utilizing the program.”

With regards to course safety, managers can use the software remotely, via text messages or alerts, when there is a geofence breach, or if a cart ignores multiple zones. Increased and improved security over the cart fleet reduces theft and abuse and helps members with peace of mind.

When members leave the course happy, clubs also see an increase in spending with regards food and beverage, as well as the on-site pro shop.

Members now expect each aspect of their round to run smoother, due to advancements in golf course management technology, and courses who ensure their staff is leading the charge continue to reap the rewards.

2. Geofencing to protect sensitive course areas

  • Alerts and tracking data to hold inappropriate riders accountable.
  • Allows for provisional geofencing to help protect damaged or risk areas, caused by rain or drought, high traffic areas or areas under maintenance.
  • Geofences automatically activate at certain times of the day or on certain days of the week.
  • Create zones based on a course’s criteria and monitor carts entering and exiting the geofenced area.
  • Prioritize geofenced zones with low, medium or high notification alerts.
  • Increased safety and security over cart fleets and minimize theft and abuse.
  • Real-time automated notifications to the player including audible ‘don’t ignore’ sound.

Among Tagmarshal’s many great features is an accurate, automated geofence system that displays real-time notifications and alerts that dynamically and preemptively address any breaches in and around a course, with an added golfer front-end interface, in the form of the next-generation 2Way system.

The Tagmarshal’s classic geofence module was initially developed for course management and staff. Now the new front-end user interface generation gives golfers the knowledge and awareness of any breaches.

This golf cart GPS management software feature gives management and staff access to real-time insights to preemptively address any on-course issues and provide non-confrontational support, as well as golfer accountability.

Providing smart management tools to communicate effectively, to ensure player safety, player compliance and reduced damaged areas or areas under maintenance, and cart security from theft, remain the primary goals.

Initially, a course manager, for example, who used the system for oversight, but was not necessarily at their desk all the time, may have selected text messaging or even an automated alert call for key geofence zone breaches, or if a cart ignores multiple zones.

With the updated system, messages are now automatically sent from the system notifying golfers if they are breaching a geofence zone. Golfers can then respond to whether they have seen it and acknowledge it and whether or not they need assistance, sending a text message or a modal popup to every operational staff user.

3. Two-way communication

  • Individual carts, a selected number of carts or all carts.
  • Players can respond or contact the clubhouse.

Two-way communication is a non-negotiable feature of any decent Golf cart GPS system and Tagmarshal offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution, that allows messages to be sent to individual carts, a group of carts or all carts.

For example: “We noted you are on the 2nd tee, please move up the 3rd for this morning’s shotgun start as planned.” 

The player will receive this message with an audible noise and can then OK and acknowledge or request assistance or respond.

Players can also initiate two-way communication with their Golf Cart GPS unit typing their message to the clubhouse like they are used to on their smartphones. For instance: “Just lost my new club in the water hazard on the 5th, please assist”.

We know that course managers and assistants are busy and the system back-end can’t be manned at all times. The system has an alerts notification system that gets set up for the staff and sends priority messages via email, SMS or even automated phone call. The two-way communication received by the player gets ranked as support low / medium or high i.e. if they use the medical emergency communication it is high, a general message low, and will then get pushed to the relevant staff members’ cell phone to ensure it gets appropriately responded to.

Special message types such as weather warnings, food orders and geo-based advertising messages are of course also catered for all ensuring the system adds to the 5-star experience a club strives to provide to its members and guests.

4. Player Safety and weather warnings

  • Warn players in case of thunderstorms or weather risks.
  • Warn players in case of safety concerns such as dangerous animals, fire, etc.
  • Add custom text/instructions as needed.


Rounds of golf are often 4 or 4.5hrs long and especially inland it is often possible that weather situations change and players need to seek cover or return to the clubhouse. To ensure player safety, messages are now automatically sent from the system notifying players about changing weather conditions via the 2way. Players can then respond to whether they have the notification and acknowledge it and whether or not they need assistance, sending a text message or a modal popup to every operational staff user.

It is easy to see the live map and ensure the full field is safe if there are carts still out. Operators have the ability to contact players to assist or offer assistance via the 2Way communication features. For management and staff, this creates an environment of excellence that continues right through to the clubhouse, ultimately maximizing revenue for the club

Tagmarshal’s Pace of Play management solution also provides a Marshal tracking module.

For golf course managers line of sight is a huge benefit and this specific system module allows for real-time Marshal tracking on the course.

That means all Marshal’s positions are available on the system map at any time. It also provides tracking history to show which routes the Marshals have taken and how long they were active for, in which areas.

The system helps management in monitoring and improving performance. It also has very direct day-to-day management benefits, such as saving on any ‘Where are you’ phone calls and the time generally needed to choose the right Marshal to respond to requirements.

Tagmarshal can also track and provide a line of sight for other course assets and resources such as Beverage carts, Machinery or Greenkeeper.

Although daily fee and private golf courses can train their marshals to think on their feet, there is no substitute for the real-time, on-the-go data and analytics that golf course intelligence, golf cart GPS tracking, and golf club management software provide.

With Tagmarshal’s golf cart GPS system, marshals can establish a positive, non-confrontational approach to enforcing course rules and regulations, backed by intuitive data and analytics.

Better yet, they can offer a unique golf experience tailored to the individual, as the golf tracking software enables marshals to personalize conversations, know players’ names, and better get a feel of the kind of expectations members have of the course. It also provides additional experience functionalities, such as notifying the on-course drinks carts and ensuring the safety of members and guests during severe weather.

Additionally, Tagmarshal’s User and Staff Management module allows for the customization and prioritizing of notifications and alerts. These additional alerts include geofence alerts, pace alerts, and critical zone alerts. They can be set to display system pop-ups, send alert emails, text messages or even an automated phone call for high-priority warnings.

These features ensure marshals get real-time, relevant and accurate information for both information purposes and to respond proactively. It also allows for improved task and efficiency management, as each marshal can be tracked individually. This feature improves, for example, interventions, course effectiveness, and starter accuracy.

Put simply, Tagmarshal’s GPS pace tracking system means marshals and player assistants can pursue an improved pace of play, based on a positive, non-confrontational and data-driven approach in dealing with members. This creates an environment of excellence that continues right through to the clubhouse, and ultimately maximizing revenue for the club.

5. Food and Beverage front end

  • Efficient ordering processes and increased revenue.
  • Improved customer journey.

From the moment that members and guests arrive at the golf course, the expectation from them is that the club’s staff should aim to make their experience as enjoyable as possible.

Staff members play an important role in keeping things running as smoothly as possible, but when it comes to on-course interactions, it is the marshals who become the face to the members and guests of the club. That means it is crucially important to ensure that marshals have the tools to handle issues that arise, such as a slow pace of play and flow challenges, in an adaptive and positive manner. It is a vital part of a customer’s journey.

Tagmarshal’s golf cart GPS tracking technology provides staff with the tools and abilities to continuously go above and beyond members’ and guests’ expectations, by ensuring a consistent on-course field flow, excellent pace of play and memorable playing experiences.

After an enjoyable round of golf, happy members and guests are more likely to visit the food and beverage, creating an additional revenue opportunity for the golf course. Additionally, this software technology gives foresight to pro shop and food and beverage staff to anticipate and prepare accordingly for golfers who are about to finish their rounds.

Golf cart GPS tracking offers management and staff greater control over the pace of play, field flow, and the overall player experience.


Tagmarshal, the market leader in on-course optimization technology, provides courses with full, real-time operational oversight and reporting, giving golf operators the tools to manage pace and flow of play effectively, resulting in enhanced player experiences, increased efficiency through automation, and additional revenue generation.

Tagmarshal’s technology has collected over 1 billion data points from more than 75 million rounds of golf and has relationships with in excess of 600 partners, including Hazeltine, Whistling Straits, Baltusrol, Fieldstone, Bandon Dunes, Serenoa and Erin Hills.

Tagmarshal partners with several golf management groups, private, daily fee, public and resort courses, including 40 of the Top 100 US courses, as well as many $40-$60 green fee courses, which are seeing excellent results using the system.